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The 4 Best Weed Apps for Ganja Enthusiasts

Mobile applications are a convenience that smartphone owners have grown to love and depend on for everything from navigation to keeping themselves entertained. There are millions of applications out there, some with a broad audience and others that target a niche...

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Cannabis-Infused Teas Give New Meaning To “High Tea”

As if we didn’t have enough exciting, invigorating, relaxing, stimulating and generally delicious ways to enjoy cannabis, now there’s one more to add to the mix: cannabis-infused tea! Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, it’s a safe bet that if something is...

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How to Clean a Glass Pipe

All right, cannabis adventurers, today’s tip is a bit of a “how-to”! If like many cannabis consumers you’re using a custom-made glass pipe, you’ve likely noted that keeping that pipe looking as sparkly-clean, attractive—and functional—as the day you purchased it, is a...

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The Elite “Cannabis-Infused” Edibles Guide

A safe and comfortable experience involves listening to proper guidance from those who have been where you’re about to go. One piece of GOOD news is that there isn’t “technically” a way to overdose, however, there is such a thing as consuming TOO much. Having TOO much...

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The Science Behind Cannabis Extraction

Cannabis enthusiasts and medical professionals are always on the lookout for unique ways of properly administering consistent doses of cannabis. Top-level scientists proactively engineer the next generation of consuming cannabis safely. Cannabis extracts are currently...

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New fruit chews in stock

New Edibles! We frequently have people requesting Gummiez from the good old MMJ days and we are now proud to announce that we have the next closet item- Fruit Chews. The consistency is a little softer than Starbursts and these should be a hit. Come and try these out...

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